Somewhere in Veils bloodline their was a corruption which led to her being born with a tail, wings and two nubs on her head which would end up growing into horns as she matured. Her parents disappeared shortly after the birth of Veil, and the House was forced to consider the use of a wet nurse to sustain the child, or to have someone use their one kill to end the life of the newborn.
Veil often wonders about her condition, and if death would pay her a visit what would become of her in the next life because of her taint.
Veil is gifted with an unnatural beauty and charisma which can charm most people. She has yet to use her one kill, and she prefers to spend most of her time in the mirror or mingleling with the other citizens of Ohma. Veil has received the nickname of Euphoria for obvious reasons. Veil is nearly 21 years old and has yet to do anything significant in regards to helping her House or Ohma. Being pressured by the elders of House (Vurshorjo), she has little choice but to start using her talents for the better good of Ohma.
Veil dabbles with Necromancy in hopes of discovering the secrets of immortality, While she is an extremely talented Necromancer, it has been noted that it is not uncommon to see he shed tears when she is consummed by dark magic.