The Jade Phoenixes are cautious, always entering combat with multiple active enhancement spells and effects.
All Jade Phoenixes benefit from the following spells and effects during every engagement:
Transcend Mortality (Transmutation 9) (DC 29 to dispel)
Heroic Invocation (Enchantment 9) (DC 29 to dispel)
Mind Blank (Abjuration 8) (DC 29 to dispel)
Pact of Return (Necromancy 7) (DC 27 to dispel, only leadership benefits)
Interplanar Telepathic Bond (Divination 6) (DC 26 to dispel)
Death Throes (Necromancy 5) (DC 25 to dispel)
Heart of Fire (Transmutation 5) (DC 25 to dispel)
Heart of Earth (Transmutation 4) (DC 24 to dispel)
Virtuoso Performance (Transmutation 4) (DC 24 to dispel)
Heroic Finale (Enchantment 4) (DC 24 to dispel)
Battlemagic Perception (Divination 3) (DC 24 to dispel)
Exquisite Accompaniment (Illusion 3) (DC 24 to dispel)
Haste (Transmutation 3) (DC 24 to dispel)
Arcane Sight (Divination 3) (DC 24 to dispel)
Greater Magic Aura (Illusion 3) (DC 24 to dispel)
Heart of Water (Transmutation 3) (DC 24 to dispel)
Heart of Air (Transmutation 2) (DC 24 to dispel)
Luminous Armor (Abjuration 2) (DC 24 to dispel)
Cloud Wings (Transmutation 2) (DC 24 to dispel)
Resounding Voice (Transmutation 2) (DC 24 to dispel)
Saving Finale (Evocation 1) (DC 24 to dispel)
Inspire Courage
Inspire Competence
Inspire Greatness
Inspired Fight
In general, responsibilities are divided between troops of equal rank:
Level 8, 9, and 10 troops are the tacticians, providing teamwork feats and inspiring songs to their allies. The 8s and 9s don't typically include one another in their own collectives, but all other troops include them, so instantaneous communication is still possible, even across planar boundaries (through Interplanar Telepathic Bond). Ultimately, these troops provide the benefit of teamwork feats to their allies, like Butterfly Sting, Seize the Moment, Outflank, Paired Opportunists, Coordinated Blast, and Lookout (along with about 20 or so more teamwork feats) along with a combination of Bardic Performances, especially Inspired Fight, Inspire Courage, and Inspire Competence. These typically start battles in the Silver Crane Waltz stance, utilizing the Crane and Snake styles simultaneously.
Level 11, 12, and 13 troops are the main fighting and scouting force, but they also share the most combat feats with their allies (through Inspired Fight). The net result is about 12 combat feats for each Jade Phoenix, usually Flyby Attack, the Crane and Snake style feats, various proficiency feats for their unique weapons, practised initiator, and similar supporting combat feats. The 12s and 13s have access to Prolonged Passion, which is necessary for their long-term survival, but typically suspend it during combat to focus on other performances. They begin battles in the same stance and styles as the lesser troops.
Level 14, 15, and 16 troops are the leaders, coordinating the efforts of the other troops and protecting The Jade Phoenix and other high-value targets. They focus on a more powerful Inspire Greatness, which is necessary for The Jade Phoenix to access the most powerful spell effects and maneuvers. Like the 12s and 13s, the leaders also use Prolonged Passion selectively to ensure the long-term survival of their troops. When protecting The Jade Phoenix, they will start in the Chronal Fission stance. When turning to offense, the 15 and 16 troops will start in God of the Hourglass stance.
The Jade Phoenix begins battles in the God of the Hourglass stance and has additional buffs necessary for the specific engagement. Typically, he is protected by an additional Deadman's Contingency to pass any artifacts to the next in line along with a Greater Anticipate Teleport to prevent him or his troops from being outmaneuvered.