Jade Phoenix Cheatsheet+Swift Actions+Boosts+Clarion Call
Clarion Call
Spell Level: , 7
School: White Raven (Boost)
Cast Time: 1 swift action
Range: 60 (60 ft)
Effects/Target: 60-ft.-radius burst centered on you
Duration: Instant
Caster Level Check +17
As you defeat an opponent, you shout a battle cry that inspires one of your allies to renew his efforts. You are an inspiring figure on the battlefield. Your personal victories are shared by your allies, allowing them to draw courage and vigor from your actions.
If during your turn a melee attack you make reduces an opponent to fewer than 0 hit points, you can initiate this maneuver. Once it is initiated, all allies within range can immediately either make one melee attack at their highest
attack bonus or take a single move action. These allies must be able to see and hear you. These extra attacks are not attacks of opportunity.
If during your turn a melee attack you make reduces an opponent to fewer than 0 hit points, you can initiate this maneuver. Once it is initiated, all allies within range can immediately either make one melee attack at their highest
attack bonus or take a single move action. These allies must be able to see and hear you. These extra attacks are not attacks of opportunity.