Jade Phoenix Cheatsheet+Standard Actions+Strikes+Phoenic Wing Strike

(clone 12 or higher only)

At 3rd level, a phoenix champion learns the first of his order’s secret maneuvers, the phoenix wing strike. The phoenix champion can expend a readied strike of any level as a standard action to use this ability. When he does so, he creates a 30-foot cone of mystical fire and light that deals 1d6 points of damage per initiator level to any creature caught within the area. Half of this damage is fire damage and the other half is sacred damage. Creatures caught within the blast can make a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 the phoenix champion’s initiator level + the phoenix champion’s highest initiation modifier) to take half damage. This ability is considered to be a 5th-level strike of the Silver Crane, Solar Wind, and Tempest Gale disciplines. Once the phoenix champion has used this ability, he cannot use it again until he recovers his maneuvers.


At 6th level, the phoenix champion further unlocks the power of his order. When he expends a Silver Crane, Solar Wind, or Tempest Gale maneuver to use his Phoenix Wing Strike, he applies one of the following effects to the blast:


• Silver Crane: One ally within 30 feet of the phoenix champion is healed a number of hit points equal to 1/2 the damage roll of the blast. If that ally is within the area of the blast, they do not take damage from it.


• Solar Wind: Any creature that fails its save is also blinded for one round.


• Tempest Gale: The phoenix champion makes trip attempt against each creature that fails its save. He makes a single combat maneuver check with a sacred bonus equal to his initiation modifier and compares it to the CMDs of an affected creature. These combat maneuver attempts do not provoke attacks of opportunity.