The heartfire fanner with 9 or more ranks in Perform learns to inspire spellcasters to excel beyond their own limitations by unlocking their passion for their craft.
By performing for round as a standard action, the heartfire fanner can inspire one allied spellcaster within 30 feet, imbuing the spellcaster's next spell cast with a metamagic feat that the spellcaster possesses. The spell must be cast within round per heartfire fanner level to gain the benefit of magic flare. The altered spell does not take up a higher-level spell slot for the spellcaster, nor does a spontaneous caster (like a sorcerer or bard) require a full-round action to cast the spell affected by magic flare.
The heartfire fanner can only allow a spellcaster to improve a spell with a metamagic feat that alters a spell's level up to the number indicated on the Heartfire Fanner Advancement table. So a 2nd-level heartfire fanner can only allow a spellcaster to alter a spell with a metamagic feat that would normally add one level to the affected spell (such as Silent Spell). At 4th level, the heartfire fanner can allow a spellcaster to improve a spell with a metamagic feat that alters a spell's level up to two levels (such as Empower Spell).
A spellcaster targeted with magic flare still can't cast an altered spell at a level higher than he could normally cast a metamagic spell. So an 8th-level sorcerer, capable of casting 4th-level spells, targeted by magic flare can't use his Empower Spell feat to improve a fireball, since the adjusted level of that spell would be 5th, one level higher than the maximum spell level allowed by his spellcasting level.
Magic flare is considered bardic music, so using this ability takes up one use of the heartfire fanner's uses of bardic music for the day. The heartfire fanner can target himself with magic flare.