Jade Phoenix Cheatsheet+Immediate Actions+Counters+Traumatic Reversal
Traumatic Reversal
Spell Level: , 4
School: Sleeping Goddess (Counter)[ mind-affecting]
Cast Time: 1 immediate action
Range: Personal
Effects/Target: self and one opponent
Duration: Instantaneous
Caster Level Check +17
Just as a warrior with a superior weapon may try to sunder an attacker’s blade, you are able to shatter your foe’s mind in order to defend yourself, creating a momentary psionic link along which the effects of their attack are shared. You can activate this counter when you take damage from an attack or effect originating from an opponent. You take only half damage from the attack or effect, although any other effects are resolved normally. In addition, the opponent that damaged you must succeed at a Will save (DC 14 + your initiation modifier) or take damage equal to half the damage they would have dealt.
Augment: You can augment this maneuver in one or more of the following ways:
• If you spend 6 power points, you take no damage from the attack, and the opponent that damaged you takes the full amount of damage they dealt to you on a failed saving throw.
• If you expend your psionic focus while initiating this counter, you can use it in response to an attack or effect damaging an ally within 60 feet. If you do, you apply the effects of this counter to that ally and the opponent that damaged that ally rather than yourself.
Augment: You can augment this maneuver in one or more of the following ways:
• If you spend 6 power points, you take no damage from the attack, and the opponent that damaged you takes the full amount of damage they dealt to you on a failed saving throw.
• If you expend your psionic focus while initiating this counter, you can use it in response to an attack or effect damaging an ally within 60 feet. If you do, you apply the effects of this counter to that ally and the opponent that damaged that ally rather than yourself.