Jade Phoenix Cheatsheet+Full Round Actions+Strikes+Solar Reflection

Solar Reflection
Spell Level: , 3
School: Solar Wind (Strike)
Cast Time: 1 full-round action
Range:  See text
Effects/Target: One or two targets, see description
Duration: Instant
Caster Level Check  +17


As reflective surfaces bounce the rays of the sun, so can the Solar Wind disciple ricochet a missile weapon from one target to another. The initiator makes a single ranged attack roll and if this roll is successful, he may apply this same attack roll against another opponent within 20-ft. of the first. This strike inflicts an additional 2d6 points of damage to the first target, and normal damage to the second target. Each reflection attack is considered a separate attack for the purposes of determining the effectiveness of single attack boosting abilities, such as boosts that affect one attack or spells like true strike. If the ammunition had special properties, the ammunition retains its properties on each attack until the strike ends.