Starting at 8th level, a discordant crusader gains the ability to augment his strikes from the Black Seraph and Silver Crane disciplines by spending power points. A discordant crusader can spend a maximum number of power points augmenting a maneuver equal to one plus one additional power point for every four initiator levels he possesses (up to a maximum of 6 at 20th level). If the zealot has the ability to augment his maneuvers in other ways, such as from another class feature or the maneuver itself, this cannot be combined with the augments granted by this ability; he must choose which augmentation type to use when initiating the maneuver. The discordant crusader can augment his Black Seraph and Silver Crane strikes in one or more of the following ways:
For every power point the discordant crusader spends, this strike deals an additional 1d6 points of profane damage (if a Black Seraph strike) or sacred damage (if a Silver Crane strike).
For every 3 power points the discordant crusader spends, his target takes a –4 penalty to their AC (if a Black Seraph strike) or on their attack rolls (if a Silver Crane strike) for one minute. A successful Will save (DC 10 + the strike’s level + the discordant crusader’s initiation modifier) negates this penalty. These penalties do not stack with themselves if the discordant crusader hits an opponent with multiple augmented strikes, although a creature can suffer from both penalties simultaneously.