A fire-souled creature is alive with passion and inspiration, but not all creatures can withstand such intensity. With a successful melee attack against an opponent with an Intelligence score, the fire-souled creature can transfer a bit of its own energy into the target, threatening to overwhelm the target's emotional capacity. Invoking this power is a free action, and it requires a successful melee attack or melee touch attack to deliver. If the attack hits, the target must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the fire-souled creature's racial Hit Dice + the fire-souled creature's Charisma modifier) or lose one special attack with a save DC based on Charisma (fire-souled creature's choice, chosen from abilities it has seen the target use). If the target casts spells as a bard or sorcerer or has several spell-like abilities, overwhelming passion blocks access to a single spell. The creature loses access to this special attack for a number of rounds equal to the fire-souled creature's Charisma bonus (minimum of round). The fire-souled creature may make use overwhelming passion once a day per two HD it possesses, with a minimum of once per day. Overwhelming passion is a mind-affecting ability.