Jade Phoenix Cheatsheet+Free Or Non Actions+Emerald Immolation
At 10th level, once per week you can perform the awesome emerald immolation. You explode in a searing blast of green fire that deals 20d6 points of damage in a 20-foot radius (Reflex half, DC 19 + key spellcasting ability modifier). Half the damage the blast deals is fire, and the other half is raw arcane energy (untyped damage). Extraplanar creatures that fail their saves must immediately succeed on a Will save (DC 19 + key spellcasting ability modifier) or be dismissed to their native planes. This blast utterly destroys you, but 1d6 rounds later, you re-form in the exact spot where you were when you employed this ability. You are dazed for 1 round after you reappear, but you are healed of all damage (including ability drain or damage), blindness, deafness, disease, paralysis, or poison. Any equipment you were wearing or objects you were holding or carrying when you used this ability re-form with you, exactly as they were. This ability is the equivalent of a 9th-level spell.