Axxio is a lust focused, heavily self centered god who believes that the appearance of one's form is at the height of importance. He spends most of his time scouring the world for exquisite beauties of all forms, and is known for having many affairs with other beings. Mortals often pray to him asking for assistance in their love lives, which he often meddles with purely to see how they unfold. He is extremely loyal to Sensus, and serves him by finding beautiful individuals to share with the god, despite him being all seeing. Many of the other gods look down on him for his lack of sophistication and pose, and he scowls at them for being uptight. He is married to Illien, that often leads those he stays with to be cursed with bad luck and find themselves in horrible predicaments.
Enkea is the God of the Des, protector of life, keeper of secrets, and child of Enamzu and Entiatzu.
Enkea watches over the Ijiji in the city of An with his sibling Muuru. Enkea listens strongly to the IJiji, studies their social circles, and tries to understand them truly. To each Ijiji he has given a Des, a technology of the gods (ie love, hate, agriculture, poetry, etc), so that the Ijiji may properly perform their duty in the city. When the Ijiji eventually revolt and bring upon the imprisonment of Enamzu, humanity is created to take over labor for the gods, and the Des are passed on to them and their cities.
Enkea keeps how many Des there are, who has them, and why mostly a secret. They believe in a grand design that will advance gods and humanity alike, but is not interested in revealing the thoughts behind it. They say simply that their change will be disruptive and for the better. It is in this way he is a trickster, on a large scale, influencing the shape of things to come, and diverting those who might interrupt the plan.
The Des are powerful items, and if collected by gods, may elevate their powers, so it is also in Enkea's best interest to keep them close to him or dispersed/hidden far from gods who may want to take them.
Visual: Enkea is a young man with a long beard wearing a triangular hat. Rivers flow from both shoulders. A tree on both sides of him. He is often seen emering from bodies of water or from Entiatzu. Sometimes takes the form of a diviner, exorcist, or artist, his most prominent followers.
Sometimes a turtle.
RP: Enkea is a bit like Mark Zuckerburg. someone with big ideas, big influence, but not entirely honest or aware of how they can be misused to cause evil and no plans for the fallout from the disruption. It's the same way with Des. There isn't a smugness, as much as a an idealist kind of optimism. Some secretiveness, but disguised as building hype and excitement for the big reveal. Enkea is not a manipulator by nature, as much as a dreamer of magic, and wants to see this positively impact the world. In some ways naive. They are creative, exciteable, secretive, and, yes, sometimes a classic trickster, when it comes to their plans or the Des being messed with. Anyone's call on whether they're ultimately evil, good, or somewhere inbetween.
Revision notes for glei: Figure out sace/glei crossover stuff, if there is any or seperate gods entirely?
- incomplete
- needs name
- Need to tie with GLEI and Sace story more
- needs better premise imo
SACE+Glei= Mind/mental.experience/secret/perception/beauty/trickster/ charm/magic
- Deserves to be "trickster"
Someone who is BOTH simple and smart
- simply admires thebeauty as a priority and often forgets or loses themselves,
losing touch with others in isolation allows them to commit acts otherwise evil or neautral
- Loes followers at they justify actions he himself never bothered to create
- A social networker - our very own Mark Zuckerberg
- Does not see disruption for the sake of beauty as a conflict
- sees the net gain/change*** THE GREATER GOOD/THE SUM OF ALL PARTS
- SOCIAL Consequentialism'
- has a weird sense of MES that includes EVERYTHING including followers
- needs more magic**/illusion
- intelligent (knows SECRETS)***
- Connected to the mental era, which reveals the secrets that gods are dying/the spider queen/the great game
- would be powerful then
Kind of a neutral trending towards evil chaos character
- Used to be god of inner beauty** ( maybe not worth the work of developing)***
- Vain?** (old porem)
Insp:ENKI/Ea - Lord of water/semen
- turtle symbol
- lives in the ocean under the earth (abzu)
- Virile masculinity
- especially semen + water of abzu
- fans: diviners, exorcists , artists
- patron of water (cleaning), art, and accomplishments of society
- Creator and protector of humanity
- KEEPER OF THE MES (the network- the aspects of humanity gifted by gods)
Wackness notes: