A Maze of Grain+Religion and Deities+Uhl Ilm


Title: Manifestation of Perfection 


Portfolio: Heroism, Redemption, Freedom

Typical Worshipers: Hermits, Martial Artists, Scholars

Typical Worshiper Alignment: Any Neutral

Domains: Good, Liberation, Glory, Strength

Subdomains: Competition, Glory, Freedom, Redemption

Favored Weapon: Unarmed

Favored Animal(s):



Once born a mortal of Rythmyrric descent, Ul-'ilm once encountered Kel'Voras, the Lich King. Using his wit and power, he managed to fight the mighty creature to a draw. However, he managed to wound the creature, infuriating it. As a result, it cursed him with immortality, to forever watch those he loved die. As time went on, he continued to steel his heart against love, working to only improve himself. Getting smarter, stronger, and wiser with time. This as a result, gained notice of the Pantheon who, through sheer effort and time alone, managed to develop avataric powers. In response to this, the Pantheon agreed to bring him to the Council of Divinity. But he refused, stating that he got this far on his own, and he'd continue to do as such.




Uhl-'Ilm worshippers have no churches or temples, as they often don't associate with each other or common 'worship' practices. To them, their body is their temple.



Spell Preparation Rituals

Spell preparation must be done before or after a rigorous training session, for the mind and body must be trained together.



Must Always: Improve oneself

Must Never: Accept help unless it's absolutely necessary

Must Daily: Train and learn something new.