A Maze of Grain+Religion and Deities+Kwasvara


Title: Guardian of Peace 


Portfolio: Protect, Nurture, Love

Typical Worshipers: Rythmyr, Paladins, Justiceseekers, Guardians

Typical Worshiper Alignment: LG

Domains: Good, Healing, Law, Protection

Subdomains: Redemption, Restoration, Judgement, Protection

Favored Weapon: Two-Handed Weapons

Favored Animal(s): Horse



Kwasvara, also known as Qwasvara, was unseated from the power of Divinity because she refused to use her abilities to attack and destroy Tzara, the original Spider Queen, as she rose to power. In doing this, the Pantheon of the divine determined she would forever walk amongst mortals, to protect those she found so terribly dear to her.



The Guardian of Peace symbolizes a bond amongst one's fellows through guidance and nurturing love, and the patience to always know when it's time to let their children fly on their own or intervene on their behalf. Her Churches tend to be small outposts and shelters for those in need from an attacking party or from severe weather. These outposts are often built with an underground bunker to weather severe events and are often surrounded with fields to nurture those that stay inside.


Spell Preparation Rituals

Priests of Kwasvaras often consider the rising of dawn to be sacred, viewing it as the protecting light shooing away the darkness. These are often done on our near horses, which are viewed as sacred animals of protection and companionship. They will often be required to have a full ten minutes of silent solitude before completing preparation.



Must Always: Help those in need

Must Never: Intentionally kill another living being unless in self-defense

Must Daily: Help another