A Maze of Grain+Group 2+Non Player Characters+House Mulkalo+Shandor
Grandmaster of Phylacteries. A talented necromancer and spymaster, Shandor is well acquainted with the shadowy underworld of Ohma. His rise to power was difficult, requiring the murder of his father, marriage to a bitter rival, and a narrow election against House Kshatriyo. Through it all, he has remained a stoic advocate for the central tenets of Ohmani rule: only when citizens follow the one law, denizens lead the fight against the wild dead, and residents support the revitalization of the land can the glory of the old times be restored. Lately his judgement has come under fire for a series of executions of high-level denizens, but as the Grandmaster, it is his right to do what is necessary for the secuirty of Ohma without question or accountability (besides the One Law).