A Maze of Grain+Group 2+Non Player Characters+House Mulkalo+Kestra

Sometimes called Baro Kestra or Big Kestra, this woman towers above most men.  Some claim that she has giant's blood, but in any case, she possess the perfect stature for hard labor.  Born to Màrtjo Givéngro, a second generation resident and ledgemaster for House Mulkalo, Kestra has been working in the fields most of her life while cultivating an impeccible reputation as an honest worker.  For this and her family's loyalty, she has been nominated for citizenship by the House.  Rumor has it that she also played a role in defending the city from wild dead and is still recovering.

With little formal education or political experience, many in high society are wondering if she will truly be up to the task of representing her family.  Or whether House Mulkalo really just needed their fall harvest that badly.